Sci-Fi Novella

'Wow, what an amazing read. This story is so emotion-filled I was compelled to turn each page one after the other until I had finished, cover to cover in one sitting and I'll have to re-read it soon. As a stand-alone story, Train Of Thought is a wonderful glimpse into isolation, self-reflection and discovering one's destiny. Love, loss, menace, a heart-pounding race against time pace. This book has it all, so much packed in and into such a small amount of time actually passed within the story written masterfully. Now as a fan myself of the album that inspired this work, knowing the music videos as well as I do and the lyrical content, everything was captured so precisely. So much heartfelt research was obviously done by this author. A perfect example of a writer using their art form to pay homage to their inspiration. Any fan of the band a-ha should really do themselves a favour and make this book a part of their lives, their experience re-listening to Hunting High And Low will be thoroughly enriched after reading this book. Absolutely Fantastic!'
5 Stars
Poetry Collection

'As a huge fan of horror literature and gothic/dark themes, this book is amazing. Not for the easily offended but I totally appreciate the unfiltered themes of physical and psychological pain, the way no punches are pulled with the description of gore and yet still remains written in a very classy way. I love horror poetry because it can make the most disgusting situations or the worst possible pain seem almost beautiful. It demands an emotional response and in reading this book I had many.'
5 Stars
'Nice to see horror poems that are at times uncomfortable as well as quality.'
5 Stars
Poetry Collection

'I love this little book, no hold back with something for everybody. Will watch this author closely.'
5 Stars
'Honesty, written in deeply feeling clarity.'
5 Stars
'I like the way the poems go on a journey through different feelings.'
5 Stars
A Five-Set Of Poems

'Love these poems, and am very excited to see the full story behind them. Getting to know these characters further will be a joy.'
5 Stars
'I loved reading this, re-reread many times. Storytelling in poetry is something I really enjoy and this really hits the spot.'
5 Stars
'Great set of poems. Looking forward to the story behind them.'
5 Stars